Gabriely’s diary



Sprout Nuts And Seeds_02

大豆と青大豆を長野みやげに頂いたので、とりきち横丁で買っておいた無農薬縞ヒマワリの種と一緒にスプラウトにしてみました。 <1日目> 大豆、青大豆、ヒマワリの種を、充分洗ってひたひたの水に浸けます。 <2日目> 大豆、青大豆共に少し発芽の兆しが見…

International Feed for Parrots & Australian Food Sources

4年に一回、スペインのテネリフェ島で開催されるオウム会議〜International Parrot Convention。 その会議に参加された友人が、貴重な講演の様子をカメラに収めて下さいました。 収めてきてくれたのは、今まさに私が調べているクロオウムの食餌についてのこ…

A guide to... Black Cockatoos AS PET & AVIARY BIRDS Translation_06

Page 125 Suitability as Pets The Red-tailed Black Cockatoo can make a most adorable companion bird; it has a delicate nature and can become truly endearing to members of a household. The bird is easy to cater for and rarely has any health …

A guide to... Black Cockatoos AS PET & AVIARY BIRDS Translation_05

Page 121 Red-tailed Black Cockatoos in Captivity Voice These birds are not particularly noisy. Some hand reared cocks may become very demanding and call incessantly at the sight of their owner or just any human, but aviary- bred pairs may …

A guide to... Black Cockatoos AS PET & AVIARY BIRDS Translation_04

Page39 Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Although every effort is made to feed the birds in our care a balanced diet we will still fall short of what nature provides. The ability of birds in the wild (in an unaltered landscape) to fulfill al…

A guide to... Black Cockatoos AS PET & AVIARY BIRDS Translation_03

Page38 <Photo> Daily food plate for Gang Gang Cockatoos-surrounded by foods of enrichment. More bird breeders are finally starting to provide their birds with items to relieve boredom and improve their health and happiness. The magic wor…